Eyebrow piercing: My professional work porfolio. Here is a small selection of eyebrow piercings I have done. Obviously I have done more but I don’t always get the opportunity to take pictures, especially on busy days. Not everyone allows me to take their picture. Of course I have a very strict “Client is King” policyContinue reading Eyebrow piercing
Genital piercings
Hoi! Ik wil je wat vertellen. Dat je de blog prettig en advertentieloos leest betekent dat ik er ook niets aan verdien. Sinds 2007 verdien ik niets aan al die 380+ artikelen die ik in de jaren heb geschreven en vertaald en aangepast en verbeterd. Zero. Zilch, niets, nada, niente. De hele blog is totContinue reading Genital piercings →
Septum piercings
Nobody is entirely symmetrical, but sometimes the inside of your nose is less symmetrical than the outside and thus a septum piercing can some out less than perfectly in the centre. With a little more precision and attention to detail, a good septum piercing can still be established. As opposed to what many people think,Continue reading Septum piercings →
Other oral piercing pictures
Cheekpiercing, with long PTFE labret Smiley piercing with Circular barbell. I would discourage this type of jewelry but she insisted even after hearing the reasons why and I’m here to please. cheekpiercings Madonna, also known as the Monroe. Off-centre vertical labret, freshly done on this picture. Tongue piercing
Surface piercing
Surface piercings are possible virtually everywhere on your body as long as your anatomy allows it. There are different kinds of Surface piercings, as there are different kinds of surface piercing jewellery. Get informed before you get one.
Surface anchor or microdermal or dermal anchor
Here are pictures of Surface anchor or microdermal or dermal anchor piercings I’ve done. Let them inspire you! Below is a picture of a healed single point piercing whithout the top, to show you what it looks like when removed.Of course I’ve done much more of these than the amount of pictures on this page butContinue reading Surface anchor or microdermal or dermal anchor →
Ear piercing
Here are various possibilities of piercings in the ears. These are all pictures of my work. There are many options when it comes to piercing your ears: you can get cartilage piercings or lobe piercings. Cartilage piercings can be:Outer conch piercings, scapha piercings, forward helix piercings, inner conch piercings… Snug piercings, tragus, helix, a combinationContinue reading Ear piercing →
Lip piercing
Lip piercing a.k.a. Labret and combinations of it