Surface piercings are possible virtually everywhere on your body as long as your anatomy allows it. There are different kinds of Surface piercings, as there are different kinds of surface piercing jewellery. Get informed before you get one.
Surface anchor or microdermal or dermal anchor
Here are pictures of Surface anchor or microdermal or dermal anchor piercings I’ve done. Let them inspire you! Below is a picture of a healed single point piercing whithout the top, to show you what it looks like when removed.Of course I’ve done much more of these than the amount of pictures on this page butContinue reading Surface anchor or microdermal or dermal anchor →
Types of piercings
What kinds of piercings are there? Face piercings, body piercings, intimate piercings, surface piercings, surface anchors… Are a couple categories for many many piercings. Face piercings: What are the options? Nostril piercings, Septum piercing, Eyebrow piercing, anti-eyebrow, erl piercing, also known as the bridge piercing, surface piercings, cheek piercings, lip piercings, also known as labrets,Continue reading Types of piercings →