What piercings are nose piercings? Well there are a lot of piercings that can be done on or through the nose. You have the nasallang (a bar through both nostrils and the septum at once), the high nostril, the nostril piercing, the septum piercing, the bridge or Erl piercing, the austin bar (through the tip of theContinue reading Nose piercings
Welke piercings zijn allemaal Neuspiercings? De nasallang (staafje door beide neusvleugels en de septum tegelijk niet aan te raden), de high nostril (hoog door de neusvleugel) of de neusvleugelpiercing en de septum piercing, maar ook de bridge of Erl piercing en de austin bar (door het puntje van de neus). Voor de nazorg en andere tips en trucs kijkContinue reading Neuspiercings →
Types of piercings
What kinds of piercings are there? Face piercings, body piercings, intimate piercings, surface piercings, surface anchors… Are a couple categories for many many piercings. Face piercings: What are the options? Nostril piercings, Septum piercing, Eyebrow piercing, anti-eyebrow, erl piercing, also known as the bridge piercing, surface piercings, cheek piercings, lip piercings, also known as labrets,Continue reading Types of piercings →