What piercings are nose piercings? Well there are a lot of piercings that can be done on or through the nose. You have the nasallang (a bar through both nostrils and the septum at once), the high nostril, the nostril piercing, the septum piercing, the bridge or Erl piercing, the austin bar (through the tip of theContinue reading Nose piercings
Septum piercings
Nobody is entirely symmetrical, but sometimes the inside of your nose is less symmetrical than the outside and thus a septum piercing can some out less than perfectly in the centre. With a little more precision and attention to detail, a good septum piercing can still be established. As opposed to what many people think,Continue reading Septum piercings →
Do I have to twist and move my jewelry during healing or not?
Hoi! Ik wil je wat vertellen. Dat je de blog prettig en advertentieloos leest betekent dat ik er ook niets aan verdien. Sinds 2007 verdien ik niets aan al die 380+ artikelen die ik in de jaren heb geschreven en vertaald en aangepast en verbeterd. Zero. Zilch, niets, nada, niente. De hele blog is totContinue reading Do I have to twist and move my jewelry during healing or not? →