The most common cause for trouble in piercings are: You switched jewelry too early. This can cause irritation of the fistula and can sometimes cause things like piercing pimples or scarring as a consequence. A piercing heals from the outside in. Even when it seems healed, it’s often still healing on the inside and thusContinue reading My piercing is troubled
A little know-how about surface anchors (single point piercing)
Make sure you read the aftercare instructions first though. What kind of problems can I encounter with a surface anchor? You could get caught on something, this hurts and can even rip your piercing out. The biggest risk you’re taking is actually taking bad or wrong care of it. Because half of the piece isContinue reading A little know-how about surface anchors (single point piercing) →
Do I have to twist and move my jewelry during healing or not?
Hoi! Ik wil je wat vertellen. Dat je de blog prettig en advertentieloos leest betekent dat ik er ook niets aan verdien. Sinds 2007 verdien ik niets aan al die 380+ artikelen die ik in de jaren heb geschreven en vertaald en aangepast en verbeterd. Zero. Zilch, niets, nada, niente. De hele blog is totContinue reading Do I have to twist and move my jewelry during healing or not? →